The mission of this organization is to empower Veterans with a sense of Dignity, Pride and Stability thereby helping them to realize they are honored and respected.
Our Mission is to help the forgotten Veterans. The ones that were summoned to serve his/her country in time of need, but was released because he/she did not make the score, the ones who did not make a career, the ones who found themselves homeless due to unfortunate circumstances beyond their control. Sandra Rucker’s Angels, Inc. believe no Veteran should be left behind.
To engage funds and to relate needed supplementary programs focused on all Veterans with primary focus on the Behavioral Health side in/out patients and their families in process of transitioning back to productive civilian life.
While these Veterans do not ask for our help-we believe they deserve every opportunity to prepare for life outside of the VA hospital.
The funds raised will help Veterans with: 1.) Clothing, some Veterans are admitted into the hospital with only the clothing on their back and The VA hospital’s clothing bank has a limited variety of sizes donated leaving some Veterans without change of clothing. Our Organization will ask manufacturers to donate all sizes of new clothing; 2.) Special Activities will be sponsored at the VA hospitals for in/out patients of the Behavioral Health side as a morale booster; we will provide food and beverages; 3.) Housing, we will assist Veterans with emergency funds up to three months; 4.) Utilities, we will assist with keeping utilities on, 5.) Transportation, we will assist with emergency funds for emergency situations of Veterans needing taxi, KCI Roadrunner service to and from the Airport, Train Station and or Bus Station.
We also assist Veterans applying for VA disability, retirement and or social security benefits. We will advocate for our Veteran.
Long-Range Mission
Sandra Rucker’s Angels, Inc., Housing
Transitioning housing for up to 30 Veterans who are in patients of the Behavioral Health Clinic, who have been released, but feel they are not ready to return into the civilian apartments/living. Our complex will serve as a half way complex with same benefits as being on your own, but with a structured environment, clean and therapeutic; meaning, no drugs or alcohol allowed. We will assist with finding jobs, educational needs, clothing bank on premise, meeting room, laundry rooms, and all apartments will be fully furnished one-bed room efficiency. All needed resources to help each Veteran return to civilian life will be provided. Will be up to two-year program. If successful will expand to all states.